Preview (opens in a new window)Initial contact for boom dolly
A major crane manufacture and distributor contacted WHECO Houston regarding installation of boom dolly brackets. One of their customers had recently purchased a boom dolly for one of their cranes and needed it fitted to the boom and welded. WHECO Houston supplied a field service welder truck and welder to accomplish this task.
Installation at Job-site
After arriving at the job-site the tech measured the boom and marked the correct distance where the dolly would be positioned. We then rolled the dolly into position to double check the measurements. WHECO then cleaned the affected areas to be welded. Preparing the boom surfaces and the accompanying boom dolly brackets was WHECO Houston’s next step. We then tack welded the brackets onto the boom. Again we rolled the dolly into position to check for alignment and proper fit of the boom to the boom dolly. Confirming the fit was correct with the customers representative the tech then continued the finish welding on the boom brackets.
Because of heat issues (possible wrapping of the boom) WHECO could only weld ¼ of one bracket at a time. Then the mobile tech moved to the other bracket and welded ¼ of that bracket. This was time consuming but kept the heat build up at a minimum. At the days end we were complete on the welding of the two boom dolly brackets. After a 48 hour waiting period WHECO Houston performed a Dye penetrant inspection (DPI) to the welded areas to check for welding penetration, cracks and any imperfections.
Boom Dolly Bracket Finish
The boom dolly was then installed on the newly welded dolly brackets and tested for strength. Normally after the type of service WHECO would prime and paint the brackets to either match the manufacturer or customers preferred color. However in this case the customers opted to do it themselves as the unit would be painted entirely later.
WHECO is proud to be able to solve all problems whether they are damage or general wear and tear. With its multiple specialized facilities across the USA, WHECO is proud to serve customers anywhere it can and perform repairs on equipment others cannot. If you have any equipment you need service or parts for please feel free to reach out for a free estimate. You can contact us at 1-800-937-4772 or submit a request by email to the contacts below.